Magikal properties of interest

Candle Magik colour meanings

Here you can find out which colour candle you need for you candle magik 

White is for puritynew beginnings ,protection,truth,peace,harmony , calming the mind

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wiccan herbs and there magik properties


Element is Earth

Abundance and fertility. Deities Green Goddess, Demeter, Ogun, Venus

Planet is Jupiter and Venus

Alum: (Destroys Negativity)

Alum can be placed in a dish, in a room infested with negative energies, as it absorbs the watery energy they live …

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incense and its uses

Magickal Properties of Incense

by Raven and Crone

The spiritual meanings of fragrances and magickal properties of incense will help focus your mind on achieving specific goals. Burning incense has a symbolic meaning that helps pagans focus their attention on the p…

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